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Motor Development

Swimming also aids in the improvement of speech, brain development and works multiple areas of the brain through combined movement such as the kicking of arms and legs together. Swimming also reduces stress, increases mood-boosting chemicals in the brain and allows for muscles to contract and relax which increases blood flow to the brain providing nourishment.



Breakingdown a Skill (Back Crawl)


January 03, 2023

Swimmers kick on their back while the arms are either down by their sides or extended beyong head holding a kickboard. This exercise will make the participant focus on his or her kicking technique.


February 23, 2023

10-beat back backcrawl is a great opportunity to get used to stress steady kicking and introduce arm action. You have to perform 10 kicks in a streamlined positio on one side; change sides by stroking with the other arm, and always making sure that the head remains steady at all the times.

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Operant  Conditioning

Within swimming there is not actually any penalty (operant conditioning) sometimes swimmers don't perform how their coaches or how themselves wanted. But, it doesn't mean that you have to receive any penalty. What the swimmers usually do, is to keep practicing so they can improve with their weaknesses without being told.

Classic Conditioning

In swimming the Classic Conditioning depends on which age we are talking about. It's well shown when kids are trying to learn new skill and their instructor tells something to do they recognize wickly when to do something when they tell "1...2..3..." at three they know that they have to go no matter what. However, Classic Conditioning is also shown when the Olympic Swimmers are in a competition and they are just waiting for the signal so they can go. once, that signal is shown to the participants every single of them will know when they need to go without being told.

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